Medsim Instructional video for maternity care during a viral outbreak

02 juli 2020

The entire video:

The entire instructional video consists of 8 Individual videos. Watch the individual videos here:

Film 1: Intake call with 32 weeks pregnant woman
Film 2: Young and infected mother wants care, baby is born and they are ready to leave the hospital
Film 3: Making the home ready for the arrival of the maternity care professional
Film 4: Preparations by maternity care professional to provide care to an infected client
Film 5: Arrival of maternity care professional, putting on the personal protective equipment
Film 6: Maternity care professional takes care of the mother and the baby (4 situations)
Film 7: Maternity care professional is finishing up and taking off the personal protective equipment
Film 8: Start of telecare

The entire video:

Intake call with 32 weeks pregnant woman

Young and infected mother wants care, baby is born and they are ready to leave the hospital

Making the home ready for the arrival of the maternity care professional

Preparations by maternity care professional to provide care to an infected client

Arrival of of maternity care professional, putting on the personal protective equipment

Maternity care professional takes care of the mother and the baby (4 situations)

Maternity care professional is finishing up and taking off the personal protective equipment

Start of telecare

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